The IFTM University Central Library develops collections with the goal of enriching the knowledge of the IFTM University academic community through books, journals (both print and electronic), theses and dissertations, CD-ROMs, audio-visual materials, online databases, newspapers, and magazines, along with other things.


The IFTM University has a collection of over 100593 books in the area of Science & Technology, Management, Humanities & Social Sciences, Law, Education, Hindi, English, Reference and other related subjects based on courses selection by Faculty and Students of IFTM University.

Rare Books: The IFTM University has about 69 rare volumes in its library. (List of Books)

CD/DVD - The IFTM University has over 745 CD/DVDs in its collection.

Thesis - The IFTM University has a total of 248 PhD theses.

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